
Advanced Comedy Modulation Emitter

In addition to his Joke Engine, Professor Moonbeam has extended the principal of spontaneous joke formation to the creation of a revolutionary new 'non-lethal' weapon.  Together with his close friend and associate, Lazlo Windchime-Monkeybush, he has developed what can best be described as a 'comedy ray gun'.  The Advanced Comedy Modulation Emitter is effective up to a range of twenty yards and according to the Professor it can literally paralyse the subject with bouts of laughter lasting up to an hour.

"This is the realisation of a life long dream for me," the Professor said.  "Hey, I remember when I was at school back in the sixties we would often sit around in the common room and talk about how war was really bad and how it would be really great if we could invent some kind of 'love gun'.  Well, now I think I've gone and done the next best thing."

It's a nice idea, but after taking a close look at the blueprint we weren't too sure.  Firstly, the drawing lacks a certain amount of technical detail.  Secondly, it quite clearly includes a picture of Wile E Coyote, which suggests that the Professor's mind may have been elsewhere.  But - most damningly - what really throws doubt over the project is its title.  Whilst 'Advanced Comedy Modulation Emitter' may be a concise and accurate description of the device, we were not filled with confidence when we realised that the acronym appeared to be 'ACME'.