Spread the Good Word!
Your chance to buy shares in the Salvation Army!

The UK branch of the Salvation Army was nationalised in the early 1970s and is one of the few remaining organisations to remain under public ownership, along with Ordnance Survey, The Tufty Club and Status Quo. Now the Government has decided to sell its stake which means you can get your hands on a piece of that sweet tambourine action.
With around two hundred outlets and a staff of over 4,000, the Salvation Army is one of the nation's best known brands. Our magazine, The War Cry, is delivered to more than 8,000 homes, whether they want it or not, and our volunteers regularly annoy people in towns and cities throughout the country.
Which means we're ideally placed to ditch all this 'god' stuff and open a chain of coffee shops. And a health spa. And we're also going to start providing loans.
Really, there's no bandwagon we won't consider flinging ourselves on to, so, if you know which side your bread is buttered, stop by and pick up a prospectus. And don't forget to register your interest!