Tax, What Tax?
We're here today with Sir John Wyndrell, of Wyndrell Holdings.
Sir John
Nope, sorry, never heard of them.
I beg your pardon?
Sir John
This Winsome Holdings, or whatever.
Wyndrell Holdings.
Sir John
Yes, them. Can't say I've ever come across them.
You are the company's managing director.
Sir John
I don't know who gave you that idea.
Well, when we phoned your office...
Sir John
No, don't have an office.
... your secretary told us that...
Sir John
Don't have a secretary. Good job too. Don't have an office, you see, so there would be nowhere for her to work.
Sir John, when we phoned your office your secretary told us that you were the very person we needed to talk to in connection with Wyndrell Holdings.
Sir John
Can't see how she could have. Apart from anything else, I don't have a phone. No, I'm afraid there must have been some terrible mix up. I'm nothing to do with this Winkle Holdings of which you speak.
But you're listed as a director by Companies House.
Sir John
Must be some other feller.
You are regularly quoted in newspapers and periodicals as a spokesman for the firm.
Sir John
I think you must have an overactive imagination.
It was printed on the business card you gave us when you came in.
Sir John
Well, yes... what? Oh, Wyndrell Holdings! Sorry, I must have misheard. I have an ear infection. Yes, now you come to mention it, I think I do have some slight connection with the firm.
Perhaps, then, you could comment on certain details concerning tax affairs that have recently come to light?
Sir John
Well, I'm not sure I have those details at my fingertips. Vis-à-vis the company structure, I usually find myself more on the catering side of things.
I'm sure you can fill us in on the basics. We understand that Wyndrell Holdings is not registered in the UK?
Sir John
Yes it is.
No it isn't.
Sir John
Well all right, but so what?
In recent days speculation has focussed on your use of a tax haven to avoid paying tax.
Sir John
Ah, I think you mean evade paying tax.
Do we?
Sir John
Evade? Avoid? Which one is it that is legal? Either way, there is nothing illegal about what we're doing. Not that I know what we're doing, of course. We're probably not doing anything.
Don't you think it's rather unethical?
Sir John
Look I think you're being terribly parochial about all this. We operate in a global market. We have to be based somewhere - who cares if it's Panama or the British Virgin Islands or Timbuctoo for that matter?
Or the Moon?
Sir John
Yes, well... what's that?
Your company's registered office is on the Moon.
Sir John
Well exactly... err...
Commuting must be a bit of a problem. Is it actually possible to register a company on the Moon?
Sir John
I imagine it must be if, as you say, my company is registered there.
So how does it work, then? After all, there is no one there to register it with.
Sir John
Yes there is. There's a little feller who works out of an office in the Sea of Tranquillity.
No there isn't.
Sir John
Yes there is.
No there isn't. There hasn't been anyone on the Moon since 1972.
Sir John
He's been on his lunch break.
All right, we can see that we're not going to get any sense from you.
Sir John
Yes you are.
Obviously you were determined from the outset that you were just going to be silly.
Sir John
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
I think we'll bring this interview to a close, Sir John.
Sir John
Sir who? I don't think I've met him, but if I should bump into him I'll let you know you're looking for him. Bye.