Taking the pain out of using internet forums
You have Mike Dali to thank for making your internet browsing that little bit less frustrating, thanks to a new browser plugin which can read forum and social media posts and assess them according to their usefulness.
Eazee-post's complex algorithm examines key phrases and scores them against a number of different criteria, including relevance, accuracy, smugness and abuse. It then marks each post with an appropriate rating, allowing people searching for a genuinely useful response to scroll past all the time wasters.
Mr Dali gave us a brief demonstration using a typical forum thread. The results were generated in seconds and are shown below.
Eazee-post rating
Original poster

2nd May 2017 09.50
Apologies if this isn't the right forum. I'm looking for someone who can give me some idea how I can fit a new headlight bulb on the driver's side of a Ford KA. I've got the right bulb but I just can't seem to get at the headlight!
Eazee-post rating
Hasn't read question

2nd May 2017 10.06
What make of car is it?
Eazee-post rating

2nd May 2017 10.28
I always take mine to the garage.
Eazee-post rating
Doesn't know the answer but is going to reply anyway

2nd May 2017 10.31
I've never had a Ford KA and I don't know how it's done, but you probably have to remove the air filter.
Eazee-post rating
Looking for argument

2nd May 2017 11.05
What make of car is it?
Originally posted by Doomslayer54
dude its a Ford KA the OP said that in their post
Eazee-post rating
Random abuse

2nd May 2017 11.52
Ford Ka's r rubbish. You need get a better car!!!
Eazee-post rating
Hasn't read question

2nd May 2017 13.35
I used to have a Renault and I think you need to reach up through the wheel arch.
Eazee-post rating
Nothing to contribute but wants to join in

2nd May 2017 14.13
I used to have a Renault and I think you need to reach up through the wheel arch.
Originally posted by Mrs_Bossy
This ^
Eazee-post rating
Random abuse

2nd May 2017 14.41
Renault's r crap!!!
Eazee-post rating
Looking for argument

2nd May 2017 15.12
the OP doesn't have a Renault
Eazee-post rating
Looking for argument

2nd May 2017 15.58
the OP doesn't have a Renault
Originally posted by 7seasofrhye
I never said he did.
Eazee-post rating
Nothing to contribute but wants to join in

2nd May 2017 16.20
My father-in-law had one. The passenger side is much easier to replace.
Eazee-post rating
Looking for argument

2nd May 2017 16.32
how exactly does that help? r you saying that the OP should change the passenger side instead???
Eazee-post rating
Doesn't know when to quit

2nd May 2017 16.51
There's no need to be like that. I'm just expressing an opinion. Am I not allowed an opinion?
Eazee-post rating
Random abuse

2nd May 2017 17.08
not if ur a dick
Eazee-post rating
Nothing to contribute but wants to join in

2nd May 2017 17.49
I think the OP might find it difficult to do this.
Eazee-post rating
Looking for argument

2nd May 2017 17.53
rubbish its dead easy why do people have to make such a big deal about these things??? its common sense
Eazee-post rating
Looking for argument

2nd May 2017 18.11
rubbish its dead easy why do people have to make such a big deal about these things??? its common sense
Originally posted by 7seasofrhye
Okay then, tell us how?
Eazee-post rating
Nope, no idea what the thinking is here

2nd May 2017 19.12
Are you sure you actually need to replace it?
Eazee-post rating
Hasn't read question

2nd May 2017 20.10
When I had a Renault you could only do it by jacking the car up then reaching up through the wheelarch.
Eazee-post rating
Nothing to contribute but wants to join in

2nd May 2017 20.22
When I had a Renault you could only do it by jacking the car up then reaching up through the wheelarch.
Originally posted by Pacmamma
I don't think the OP has a Renault.
Eazee-post rating
Looking for argument

2nd May 2017 20.33
I see 7seasofrye has gone quiet!!!
Eazee-post rating
Original poster

3rd May 2017 09.15
It's okay. I took it to Halford's - all sorted.
Eazee-post rating
Random abuse

3rd May 2017 09.37
Halfords r crap!!!