Space Things
It's astonishing to think that it's just fifteen years since the landmark series Space Things first aired. The show was praised for its sophisticated approach to storytelling, its willingness to tackle adult themes and all the spaceships and monsters and shooty laser battles and everything.
Its creator, Josh T Muffitt, now directs multi-billion-dollar epics involving flying superheroes and spaceships and stuff, and is widely considered the King of the Geeks. But it's interesting to consider his humble beginnings and so here we present, direct from MGM's archives, Muffitt's initial pitch for his ground-breaking show.
Dear MGM

I have got a grate idea for a film or a TV show or something. It would be called 'Space Things' and it would be a sci-fi spectacular set in space. It wuould would be all about a spaceship in space called the SSSS Graham (SSSS stands for Super Special Space Service).

The captain of the SSSS Graham would be a lady, because this is the future, and they would go all overr space and everywhere, exploring things and getting into fights and stuff. They would also interfere with the natives, even though they have been especially told not to.
But teh the really good thing about it would be that there was a special space cat called Astro Cat. Astro Cat would be just like a normal cat except that he would wear a space helmet, and say things like 'logical captain' and shoot laser beams out of his bum.

And there would be guest stars like Tom Cruise and Keira Knightly and Jason Bourne, and I am sure they would agree to do it because the whole idea is very good.
And at the end of the episode everybody would have a laugh about something then they'd all freeze and keep really still while the credits came up, and my name would be at the end in really big letters.
Of course, the TV show, or whatever it is, will be really really popular and so they will do films and action figures and comics of it, and I would be the execitive esxecitive top creative director of the whole thing until I sell it all to Disney for an undisclosed sum. But then everyone will say it is rubbish when somebody else does it.

So anyway, this is all my idea, except for some bits that my friend Graham did, but I named the spaceship after him so I think he will be okay with it.
Josh T Muffitt, Age 32