Master a multitude of foreign tongues with the new Maxi-Lingual Language Course for Motorists.
We understand that when you're driving in a foreign country you don't need to know how to ask for milk in your coffee or enquire after the opening times of the local pool. That's why we've stripped our course down to the bare essentials. Now you can leave other road users in no doubt about exactly what you're trying to say, no matter what country you find yourself having an argument in.
In just eight weeks you'll be cursing fluently in over six languages*. So, whether someone cuts you up in Cologne, prangs you in Prague or tailgates you in Trafalgar Square, you can be sure that you'll know exactly how to tell them to go fuck themselves.
Maxi-Lingual for Motorists

Order now and receive, free of charge, the latest edition of the Gazetteer of International Hand Gestures.