News from a made up world
Fluff, Mail Order Tatoos, Fly-Tipping Astronauts
Bacon, Beans, Castles
Cathedral, Chip-Eater, Lost Continent
Crime Waves, DIY Olympics, Donkeys
Doodle, Drum and Bass, Flyover
Freshwater Pirates, Fun Run
Getaway, Kitchen Olympics. Ladder Ordeal
Liposuction, Monsters. Nail-It
Celebrity Pizzas, French Polishers. Agricultural Raves
Speed Dating, Sticky Tape, Submarine
Tuesdays, Usherette, Vampires
Evil Windows, Zebra Scanner
A Boost for Industry, Buglers, Perfect Circle
Cornwall, Darrens, Electrosausages
Fengami, Herman Loggins, Roman Hole
Hoofer, Space Ladder, Mars
Atlantic McDonalds, Nelson's Travel Kettle, Large Organ
Orinoco, Pacific Ocean, Operation Scorched Earth
Special Powers, Surrealist Muggings, *@%£!
Teleportation, Toaster Suicide, Tosser
Turpin, Vet Shortage, Waiter
Serious Belching, Geoffrey Clanger, Today on the Dog Exchange
Drivers!, Subterranean Elephants, Fishys
Geoffoscope, Highway Robbery, Fourth Light
Museum of Found Noises, Government to Sell North Sea
Restraining Order, Fiat Punto, Yellow Line
Fabergé Sausage, Floaty Boat Gaffe
Situations Vacant
Judge Told to Bugger Off, Legless
Man Ceases to Exist, Legless Again
Small Lump of Coal, New Homes Online, Vatican Intruder
Fresh Allegations, Squirrel Abuse, Hypnotic Wipes
Paper Mammoth, Third Gear, Expensive Toasters
Cheesy Ban, Removed from Office, Paper Failure
Retroactive Sackings, Rare Bird, Silly Names for Cars
Doncaster Space Programme
Pet Poop, Prime Discovery, Conservatory Outrage
Astrology, Travelling Argument, Crab
Pillow Outrage, Wild Wild Web, Metric Phone Numbers
Man Wins Spandau Ballet, Fat Lizards, People Shouldn't
Pyramids, Gas, Small Yellow Plastic Fence
Doing Lines, Fat Lizards, No Country for Sick Cows
Speedy Critters, Hair Bank, Feng Shui for Farmers, Pet Therapy
Stop and Search, Indiana Jones's Trowel, New Year Honours, Space Stationery
Electric Death Potatoes, Apparently, Speedybus
Slums, Stop Being Nasty UK, Perpetual Stasis
Competition Humming, Housebreakers' Code, Offshore Biscuits
Hole Punch, Catching Shadows, Blast Proof Furniture
Three-Legged Footballers, Nuts and Berries, Door Tax
Pre-Lit Candles, Fuzzy Measurements, Flattening Snowdon
Flying Traction Engines, Trolley Dash, Find My Keys
House Pox, Hoover Car, Saluting Magpies
Hard Times, Time Capsule, Mr Woofy Jnr
Loud Shirts, Frog Horns, Kethcup TV, Google Acquires New Colour
Deformation, Fruit Brain, Ghost Milk, Everest by Elevator
Dangerous Lengths, Universal Serial Sheep, Scooter Park
.mars, Man Rescued from Trousers, Space Plough, Financially Independent
Freda Time, Warning: Chickens, Domestic Mining
Gun Dogs, Food Insecurity, Ballet Dancers, 4'33"
An Apprehension of Rabbits, Stealth Fishing, Fly-Tipping Day, Four Dimensional Knitting
Aqua sapiens, Spingle, Mr Pixels
Chisel of the Gods, Gas, M Parsnip's Dinner
Unlicensed Magicians, Impersonating a Police Officer, Missed Calls
Look, See, Optical Gravy, Spoon, Distance Learnng
Stood Up, Archaeologists, Friday Lunch, Hatching Fruit
African Belching Frog, Bouncing Planets, Minimalist Acting, Duncleanin'
To Serve Man, Question, Granwrap, Old Clothes
Young Methuselah, Accountancy Horse, Burgers vs. Bangers, Space Cress
Pyramid Power, Synchronised Lifeguard, Anglo Saxon Xmas
National Tombola, Blacco, Dusting Behind the LHC
Disposable Sausages, Window Tax, Antipasto, Dog Wigs
Downloading Sausages, Accidental Cheese, The Mona Lisa in Japanese
Incas, Grit, Jam and Fluff, Missing Episodes
Bullshit Filter, Ballroom Dancing