12 Slices of The University of the Bleeding Obvious - a sampler

Showcasing stupid stories from the last thirteen years, 12 Slices of The University of the Bleeding Obvious draws material from five published works, including the forthcoming Recalled to Life: The University of the Bleeding Obvious Volume III.

12 Slices of The University of the Bleeding Obvious

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You like chips. You like lots of chips.
Stealing horses to order
It were different back in them days
The only beauty product that will send your skin back in time.
Choose from the best clowns in the business
Selwyn Peach paints Elephants
Earth will be nothing more than a huge pie hanging in space.
Patent stink technology
Spartacus Jones has been reading too many comics
Quentin Tote discovers a new smell.


Teaching Carrots to FlyTeaching Carrots to FlyStandard British NunsExtreme Dinosaurs


The Bleeding Obvious Prime Time Gameshow Generator

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