Frog Dye

If you've come across a lot of pale and washed-out looking frogs just lately, there could be a reason for that. A theory has been advanced that suggests that their natural green pigmentation has been washed off by heavy rains.

Frogs should never be washed a temperatures over 40 degrees, and certainly only mild detergents should be used. This is well known but since frogs rarely encounter automatic washing machines in nature, it's hardly ever an issue. Incidentally, while we're on the subject, you should never spin dry a toad. You'll get bits of it everywhere. But I digress.

The idea that frog pigmentation may be non-permanent comes from eminent frogologist and co-owner of the Totnes Frog Emporium, Sebastian Dali. He has noted that water in which a frog is allowed to sit for any length of time develops a greenish tinge, and he reasons that this is the natural frog dye leaching out through the skin.

We put it to Mr Dali that this was frog shit. He responded that no, it was absolutely true, and that there was no need for the attitude. We, in turn, explained that that was not what we meant; we meant actual real frog shit in the water. He said oh sorry, he thought we were being rude. We said we weren't, then we put the kettle on and had a laugh about it.

Anyway, he then explained that the reason that... Actually, you know what? None of this is true. You can't wash the dye out of frogs, that would be nuts. I made the whole thing up, so there's nothing to worry about. Sorry.

Right then, I don't know about you people but I'm off to see if I can find some cake.

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